

Lägg upp och hantera processer för att ansluta bostadsrättsföreningar, fastighetsägare och så vidare.
  • display on page?
    display on page?
    clicking this means that whether a specific process in this state will be shown on the page, colored in the process depending on how many that are shown.
  • Todo text
    Todo text
    The text entered here is what is sent along when you create the todo item for the phase. Remember that this text is only relevant for children, not mothers.
  • Name of Phase or todo
    Name of Phase or todo
    When this is a "mother", this name decides the name of the phase that the corresponding children are all grouped within. The name should be something like "Activated" or "Invoice". Short and descriptive.

    When this is defining a todo, the name should be something that describes the action, like "Prepare invoice" or "Present building plans".

    When the todo is created, information about the process item will be sent along.
  • Mother and child differencies
    Mother and child differencies
    When an item is defined as being a child (i.e. a mother is set) it is a todo-item for that mother.

    When no mother is set, the item is a mother, and defines a phase for the connect process
  • Typ
    Välj typ i popupmenyn
Det här är hjälptexter för varje fält i databasen, som ger information om hur varje fält används, samt tips och trix om hur man använder dom.
Dom här hjälptexterna finns tillgängliga direkt i formuläret som inline-hjälp.